Saturday, January 22, 2011


Last weekend Nate, John, Clint and I went snowboarding and it was really fun for everyone. We went to Brighton for night boarding. It was the very first time for Nate ever. John has gone skiing before but never has been snowboarding so he had a leg up on Nate at least for getting onto lifts and general know how of what is going on the slopes. Clint had been a couple times before which meant he was king of the newbies relatively speaking. 

We started out on the bunny hill which was fine for a few times to get coordinated back into snowboarding. For my friends it was plenty for them. Clint mentioned he had no idea the bunny hill even existed and proceeded to the regular or what we aptly named the Big Boy Slopes. I believe Clint didn't want to tell anyone about ever going on a so called bunny hill before and therefore pretended that he had no prior knowledge of it. Lier! Only kidding Clint. 

I guess another name for the bunny hill is the kiddie slopes. For some reason, it didn't feel like a kiddie slope to me. There was a lot of swearing going. I even heard one of those rascals drop the F-bomb. I didn't realize those kids had such potty mouths. What does that say about today's parents. They should rename that slope to a more suitable name to let people know what's a family friendly hill and what's not.

As for Nate, It looked like he was doing well for his first time ever. Although, I wonder, maybe he was possibly bored with or even frustrated with snowboarding. Maybe he was thinking it would be more like the Nintendo snowboarding game SSX. He probably thought he could do ridiculous snowboard moves that defy the very laws of physics. While on the lift I noticed that his eyes were closed. He couldn't have been sleeping. I guess he was fantasizing about doing a 100ft jump over a lodge while doing 5 back flips, some 1080s and landing onto the lift cables and then grinding ever so gracefully all the way down. 

Oh, and John did well at snowboarding too. I almost forgot to mention him. Perhaps if he had quality bindings for his board, he would've done that much better. Most people think that the board makes all the difference, but no, it's the bindings. The board and even your boots could be utter garbage, but if you have top of the line quality bindings nothing will ever, ever get in your way.

As with anything you do in life, you must practice in order to get better with whatever it is you're doing. As far as snowboarding goes, we all have weaknesses. Even the best snowboarders have some thing that always gets the best of the them. Clint, no thanks to that stupid bunny hill on his first few snowboard outings, can only turn in one direction. He'll learn much faster next time on the Big Boy Hill. John, needs to learn how to turn, period. He's just not satisfied with being one with the trees. Binders that are good would help in this area. Nate, you're far from doing 1080s off a 50ft cliff, but thats OK neither am I. Maybe someday SSX will be a reality for you.

And then there was Doug... who was not with us. You see, Doug, well he joined a cult several years ago. I think the name of the cult was Heaven's Colosseum. I guess he's considered a colosseumnist or something. We don't see him often due to the rigors of being a member of it. What's sad is that it consumes a lot of his time and money. Maybe one day we could all come together for strength and organize an intervention for him. Poor Doug.


  1. I don't know Seth, I kind of liked being one with the trees. It helped that I got trapped in that little grove off the hill, allowed me to get some good meditation time in until somebody explained to me how to get out. The learning curve for snowboarding is going to be a lot longer than I anticipated. I may just stick to skiing if we go again.

  2. What if Clint finds out you quit snowboarding? He'll never let you live it down. It kind of reminded me off my first time. I got stuck on one side or the other. It only gets funner with more the times you go.
