Friday, January 21, 2011

Wii wike Wii

I'm in no way in denial of the fact that the Wii is a fun and innovative console. It's just that... well, I feel like a little kid while playing it. Scratch that, I feel like a damn baby. Goo-goo ga-ga is one of the impulse feelings that somehow I can't prevent from raging through my body when I play it. Well that's mostly for the Mario-centric theme titles out there as far as I've notice. Maybe the whole console is laden with these babyish type games. Something just doesn't feel right when I play a game that seems to be geared towards the 5 years and younger crowd. I'd like to understand the psyche of those who thoroughly enjoy the Wii and its games.

How about those old folks who play the Wii in the nursing homes? Do they feel like babies while playing it? I imagine it would be like the mental fountain of youth for them. OK, maybe that's a stretch, but perhaps the government could conduct a thorough research on the Wii and the cognitive effects it has on the elderly. They could spend millions on it and tell everyone what we already knew about it - that Grandpa is still senile and doesn't realize he's playing a game meant for babies.

Ok maybe it's not for babies. Babies don't have the dexterity for any game for that matter not even the Wii. Perhaps it was meant for those who feel they should be like babies, like those who go to raves. They all must have must Wiis for sure. Or, maybe they don't. That's probably why they feel they need pacifiers in their mouths. News flash to rave people, you can don a diaper and suck a pacifier in the comfort of your own homes while playing the Wii. I highly recommend the Mario Party for you guys by the way.

Maybe life will play a cruel joke on me and I'll be that old senile guy in the nursing home wearing a diaper and playing whatever generation of the Wii that is available. I seriously hope not....


  1. Seth, I think you have incured the wrath of nintendo apologists everywhere. I'm afraid they may organize a boycott of your blog. Worse, what if they demand a retraction. They can be real zealouts when you insult their system. I'm worried for your safety.

  2. Maybe the government could put me in a protection program where they'll change my name and move my family to somewhere more remote and nobody knows me. I could be given the alias Homer Thompson
