Ok, there's this guy I know named Doug. Well, to be honest I know more than one Doug, but this particular Doug is fun to talk about. This particular Doug is one I used to work with a long time ago. About ten years ago, I used to work for this medical supply company where this particular Doug, now to this day, works. When I started working there he had been there already, I think, 8 years give or take, but nevertheless a long time. He still works there.... Not that it's a crumby job, it's just that, well.... I don't know how to explain it really. He strikes me as some sort of enigma. Not the normal type guy one really expects. No, he's not gay, but... well, I don't know what to describe him as really. He's just a nice guy. I like Doug as a friend in general. I have nothing negative to say about him what so ever. Like I said, he's a tough guy to figure out. He's just there to fill some void in the world that god had no idea what to do with. "umm, here's an empty spot, well..., I dunno. Oh, I'll just throw Doug there, that should take care of it.... done".
A little background on Doug. Doug likes sports...a lot.... I think that's it. Moving on now.
You're probably thinking to yourself. Why the hell are you talking about this guy. He sounds boring. He actually does sound like a normal guy. Hey, you're writing about a guy who sounds normal. I should be thinking that you're weird for writing about this guy in this first place. OK, you got me. I guess I'm a weirdo too, but at least I'm married, so there. Which brings me to the next topic.
A little more background on Doug. Doug dislikes dating...a lot.... If Doug were superman, girls would be his kryptonite. Let me reiterate that he's not gay. I think you can put the two together. Now you're saying to yourself.... wha?? Yeah, me too. It does not compute. What gets me is that he seems as content as can be about all these circumstances.
So, you're thinking, OK, he's obviously single. He has a job that is relatively easy and doesn't require excessive hours. This includes him sitting by himself the better part of the day in his own vehicle doing his normal thing delivering various medical items among other duties. If you think about it, he has a low stress type lifestyle, really. So, what is it that drives him? That is what, after all these years, I have not figured out. Now the normal person perhaps would question himself as why he or she does what they do, but apparently not Doug. He appears not to care, yet be so content with himself.
In some strange way, I envy Doug of the fact he doesn't seem to give a damn about what people think of him. He's his own man; not bending to the will of the masses. He's a man every man should admire to some extent. Maybe we could learn a thing or two about him and summarily apply that knowledge to be better people. So, therefore, go be more passionate about sports and avoid dating as if it were the plague and you'll come to find out... uh, well... maybe that'd be a bad idea.... sayonara human race.